What does Sustainability mean to us?
Living a life of dignity in harmony with nature.
Living within the resources of the planet without damaging the environment now or in the future.
Renewing resources at a rate equal to or greater than the rate at which they are consumed.
Creating an economic system that provides for quality of life while renewing the environment and its resources.
Creating a world where everyone can have fulfilling lives and enjoy a rich level of well-being within the limits of what nature can provide.
Taking the long-term view of how our actions affect future generations and making sure we don’t deplete resources or cause pollution at rates faster than the earth is able to renew them.
Carb 2 Compliant
All of our Engineered Wood Products are C.A.R.B. (California Air Resource Board) compliant Phase 2 to meet formaldehyde emissions for better indoor air quality.
For more information please visit their website .
Lacey Act Compliant
In May of 2008, the US Congress passed the Lacey Act which includes a provision that US Importers provide proof of legal harvesting of foreign sourced wood product materials. The Lacey Act’s intent was to eliminate illegal logging and illegal forestry practices.
Monaco Ville Series Wood Floors are in full compliance with Lacey Act requirements as mandated by the 2008 Farm Bill. Our Products are from legal and sustainable forestry sources.
For more information please visit their website.
Additional Environmetal Provisions
The adhesive used in our Engineered Wood Flooring meets the strict German E-1 standard as well as the California CARB II standards for Formaldehyde emissions.
Over 50% of our products come from aged or fallen trees. Aging trees block the sunlight and limit the growth of younger, oxygen-producing trees.